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December 13, 2020

tally • Dec 09, 2020

Unwrapping the Names of Jesus

Advent 3 - At-Home edition

Unwrapping the names of Jesus Advent 2020
[Based on a book by asheritah ciuciu]

From the book Unwrapping the Names of Jesus, the author, Asheritah Ciuciu shares the following:

“One year, as I reflected on the names of Jesus that appear in Christmas Carols, I realized that I need to worship Jesus for who He is in the privacy of my home before I can fully celebrate His birth in the company of His congregation. This practice of meditating on a different name each day, while not an Advent tradition per se, taught me to worship Jesus in a way I’d never learned before. Like twirling a brilliant-cut diamond in sunlight, meditating on Jesus’ names led me to admire the many facets of His character, each beautiful on its own, but when put together comprising a breathtaking picture of the Son of God made man for us. As the days of Advent passed, I found myself, like David, gazing upon the beauty of the Lord day by day, delighting in Him and dwelling in His presence.”

Since we cannot worship together in person this Advent, it is our hope and prayer that you will be able to incorporate these services into your preparation for this Christmas season, whether it be doing it bit by bit throughout the week, or reading through in its entirety on the assigned Sunday.    We have structured it so that you may begin on Sunday by lighting your advent candle, with scripture, words and a song, a call to worship and a prayer, then continue on “unwrapping” the names of Jesus throughout the rest of the week, reserving one name for each day of the week, and finishing on Saturday with the prayers and Pastor’s thoughts. OR, you may choose to simply go through the entire service on Sunday as we usually do.

May these services help you delve deeper into each name’s significance with singing, praying, scripture, and challenges to help you grow. We invite you to get out your Christmas CDs and listen to the songs we have planned, and light your advent candle each Sunday. We will be using Handel’s Messiah at the beginning and end of each service, and hope you will be able to actually listen to all the songs to make this a more worshipful and special time (we have provided helpful links for those of you who have internet access; just click on the blue link which will take you to the song on Youtube)As we all spend time quieting our hearts before God and worshipping Him, may we gain a greater sense of awe and wonder at who Jesus is. “O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!”

Alongside you in the journey of Christmas joy, The Worship Committee

Sunday December 13

Advent 3: Joy

Focus: The third candle reminds us that Jesus’ birth brings joy to all who believe in him, so we join all of creation in celebrating Him—The Great High Priest, the Alpha & Omega, the True Vine, Prince of Peace and Bread of Life!

Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive/O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion

Handel — Messiah: “Behold, a virgin shall conceive/ O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion”

Lighting of the Advent Candle of Preparation:

Read through this part of the Christmas Story: Luke 1:39-56; Luke 2:1-7

Reader One: We want everything to look nice: the decorations of the season, our homes with their lights and tinsel, wreaths and ribbons. We want to lighten the darkness around us, bring beauty to the ugliness that wears us down. We decorate, because it is tradition. Because it lifts our hearts. Because it makes us feel like children again. We deck our halls because company is coming.

Reader Two: The prophet Isaiah smiled when he said, “God will give a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, a mantle of praise instead of a faint spirit.” No matter how far we feel from the spirit of the season, God promises to decorate us with love and with joy.

Reader One: We light these candles as a sign of our joy in the beautiful things of this season – not just the things that glitter and flash, but the deeper things, the beauty of the heart and the soul, the beauty of love shared in service and hospitality. We light this candle of joy because company is coming.

Reader Two: O Come, O Come Emmanuel.

Advent Hymn SJ 13 My soul is filled with joy (Holy is your Name)
NYU Women’s Choir Spring 2014 – Holy Is Your Name

Call to Worship

One: Rejoice in the Lord always.

All: We come to worship and rejoice.

One: Again, I say “rejoice!”

All: We come to worship and rejoice!

One: Let your gentleness be known to everyone.

All: We come to worship and rejoice.

One: The Lord is near!

All: We come to worship and rejoice the One who is with us!


O God of the exiles and the lost, you promise restoration and wholeness through the power of Jesus Christ. On this, the third Sunday of Advent, give us faith to live joyfully, sustained by your promises as we eagerly await the day when they will be fulfilled for all the world to see, through the coming of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Thought for Today:

As you “unwrap” the names of Jesus throughout the week, light the first three candles and thank Jesus for being the answer to our Joy.

Monday: Jesus is the Great High Priest

Scripture to ponder: Leviticus 16:1-34; Hebrews 4:14-16; Hebrews 5:7-10


The old priesthood and system of sacrifices was not meant to last forever. God gave them to Moses and the Israelites to foreshadow their fulfillment in Jesus. They had to repeat sacrifices every year, but Jesus’ death on the cross made final atonement for our sins and abolished the system once and for all. In heaven, Jesus sits on the great throne of grace, ready to hear our prayers and assist us in our time of need; He sympathizes with our weaknesses because He Himself was tempted in every way, just as we are, yet without sin. This comforting truth invites us to approach the throne of grace with confidence.

Challenge: What a privilege to have direct access to God! It might seem strange to picture the Old Testament sacrifices, especially since many of us recoil from the sight of blood and fear of pathogens. But understanding the priests’ role in offering sacrifices helps us rejoice in the finished work of Jesus. So approach the throne of grace confidently today and pour out your heart to God!

Hymn HWB 131 When in the hour of deepest need
Hymn 615 When in the Hour of Deepest Need

Tuesday: Jesus is the Alpha and Omega

Scripture to Ponder: John 1:1-3; 19:30; Hebrews 12:2; 13:8; Revelation 1: 8-18


Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet and represent the entirety of not just letters, but all knowledge, all existence, and all time. From beginning to end, Jesus was, is, and will be, and all things live, move, and have their being in Him (Acts 17:28). But Jesus is not only the beginning and end of all creation, He is also the author and finisher of our faith. He experience the full range of human life alongside us, yet without sin. Jesus did all this looking at His current circumstances through the eyes of faith, knowing “the joy set before him” (Hebrews 12:2). We can take comfort in our Alpha and Omega, knowing that whatever we experience in this journey of faith, we are not alone: Jesus has gone before us, He welcomed us into this journey, and He will see us safely to the end.

Challenge: Faith is “confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1), trusting God’s character regardless of what our life’s circumstances look like. In what area of your life do you need to trust the Author and Perfector of your faith? Surrender it to Him today, asking Him to continue to work faith in that area of your life.

HWB 592 Love divine, all loves excelling
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Grace Community Church)

Wednesday: Jesus Is The Vine

Scripture to Ponder: Psalm 80:8-16; Isaiah 5:1-7; John 15:1-5


Throughout the Old Testament, the vine was used as a symbol of Israel, often to show how she was lacking in some way. God carefully tended His vine, protecting it from harsh elements and creating an environment for it to flourish, yet Israel rebelled. In contrast to Israel, Jesus is the True Vine He is the faithful One who fulfills all that Israel failed to do: whereas she was wild and rebellious, He was submissive and obedient; while she yielded bad fruit, He produced good fruit in keeping with righteousness. He was in every way the epitome of all God called Hid people to do, and He calls us to union with Him so that we may also produce good fruit. Surprisingly, Jesus does not call us to work hard to be more fruitful; rather, He calls us to abide in Him, to wait on Him. Fruit will naturally follow for those who remain connected to Him, because His Spirit is the One who produces fruit (Gal. 5:22-25). We need only abide, and He will do the rest.

Challenge: Recognizing our destructive bent toward self-reliance, Jesus urges His followers to “remain in me” five times in only eight verses. Today, read John 15:1-8 and reflect on the invitation to savor a close connection to the True Vine.

Throughout the day, recognize His life pulsing through you and energizing you for His work even as you learn to rest in Him.

HWB 373 Thou true Vine, that heals

Thou True Vine

Thursday: Jesus is the Prince Of Peace

Scripture to Ponder: Isaiah 8:21 – 9:7, 11:1-9; Luke 2:14; Ephesians 2:13-18; Phil. 4:4-7


During His time on earth, Jesus restored peace everywhere He went. He calmed tumultuous storms; He brought healing to the sick; He raised the dead to life; He forgave sinners their sins. Jesus came to restore not just peace as we understand a cessation of hostility, but a rich, full, abiding harmony of life. His first coming began this process of restoring peace between us and God; His second coming will bring wholeness as He intended His creation to be when He first set the universe in motion. Just as He is the Prince of Peace, so He calls us to be makers of peace all around us (Matt. 5:9). Though the world may be caught up in anxiety and worry, we can rest securely in the knowledge that Jesus is making all things right, and we can participate with Him in bringing peace to a broken world as we look forward to the future kingdom of peace.

Challenge: This holiday season is rife with opportunities to bicker and worry, especially as we walk through the current pandemic. Spend some time with Jesus today, asking for His direction in relationships that cause unrest in your heart, and circumstances that are out of your control. Then commit yourself to being an ambassador of peace this holiday season.

HWB 201 Hark! The herald angels sing

Friday: Jesus Is The Bread of Life

Scripture to Ponder: Leviticus 24:5-9; Matthew 5:6; John 6:25-35, 14:6


In the ancient Middle East, bread was a staple part of people’s diet. It was the most reliable source of energy for the body and was readily available with little preparation. For the Israelites in particular, bread was considered a special food because of its religious connotations. When Jesus used the phrases “bread of life” and “bread…from heaven,” His listeners would have immediately thought of the story of manna. God gave manna to the traveling Israelites in the wilderness to save them from certain death by starvation. In a similar way, God gave Jesus into the world to save us from certain death by separation from Him. The manna God provided through Moses satisfied only temporarily. The manna

Jesus was offering, His very life, satisfies eternally. In the beautiful picture of the Last Supper, we’re reminded that Jesus’ broken body secures our place at God’s table.

Challenge: Many people try to fill the void in their lives with more stuff–more shopping, more money, more friends, more food–but they’re always left wanting more. As Christmas draws near, examine your heart and your desires. Do you crave more stuff, or do you crave more of Jesus? Ask Him to give you a hunger for more of Him.

HWB 456 Shepherd of souls, refresh (the link below uses a different tune than our hymnal)
Hymn: Shepherd of Souls

Saturday Devotions

Words from Pastor Mike (attached)

Prayers of the Congregation [please add your praises and concerns as needed] Dear Jesus, through your death on the cross, You tore the curtain that separated us from the presence of God, and now we can come directly to You! We also take comfort in knowing whatever we experience in this journey of faith we are not alone: You have gone before us, and You have welcomed us into this journey, and will see us safely to the end. Help us to rely on You and to rejoice in my connection to you–The Vine. Fill us with Your peace and help us to bring peace in all our interactions. Where there is worry, bring a reassurance of Your provision. Where there is strife, bring to mind Your humility. Where there is bickering, bring to our hearts Your love. Be our peace. Only You can satisfy.

Teach us to hunger for You and feast on You. May You be our heart’s chief desire. Amen.

HWB 212 O Come, all ye faithful

(enjoy this extended version, with pause in the middle for prayer, and verses not printed in our hymnal)
O Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste Fideles) at Westminster Abbey


Surely God is our salvation, we will trust in God and not be afraid, for the Lord God is our Strength and Might. Shout aloud and sing for joy . . . for great in our midst is the Holy One of Zion. (Is.12)

For Unto Us A Child is Born

For the service with Cincinnati Mennonite Fellowship and a surprise visit with John the Baptist.
Sue Stauffer: A praise for Rebecca Cahill. Rebecca’s doctor in Houston said that in 2023 there will be a new medicine that could help her. Also she might be able to have some of the expense traveling to Houston from California reimbursed.
Mike Gehman: Visited with Dan and Nancy Yoder they are doing well.
Bill Flinner: Praise that the corona virus is easing up a bit at Walnut Hills.

Jean Flinner: Prayers are needed for Jean who is having bladder cancer surgery on Tuesday afternoon.
Sue Stauffer: Prayers for the staff and residents at Hennis Care in Dover where the corona virus is still on the rise.
Sue Stauffer: Prayers for all who are adjusting to new changes in their lives, and living in new places.
Prayers for the families of the 20-22 people that have passed away due to the corona virus at Walnut Hills.
MMN: Praise God for Joe Sawatzky, who recently became an international education liaison for Mennonite Mission Network and Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. Pray for Joe and global church leaders, as they seek to strengthen the body of Christ through Anabaptist education initiatives around the world.
Prayers for Mennonite Education-Goshen College, Goshen, Indiana: Pray for Goshen College students who are at home this month, taking a break after an intense semester. Bethel College, North Newton, Kansas: Pray for Jill Hoopes, Bethel College’s director of student wellness, as she meets the challenge of connecting with students after most have returned home to complete the semester via remote learning.

Next Week’s Texts: Psalm 97:11-12; Matthew 2:10-11a; Luke 2:1-7; Hebrews 4:14; Revelation 1:8; John 15:1, 5a; Isaiah 9:6-7a; John 6:35;
Harbor of Hope: This month’s items are: Spaghetti Sauce & Pasta and are due on December 16th.
Mission Projects for December 2020: White Gift (Deacon’s Fund); Harbor of Hope: Spaghetti Sauce & Pasta; Homeless Shelter Meal
White Gift Offering: This December we will be collecting for the White Gift which goes to the Deacon’s Fund. Since we will not be in Sunday School to collect the offering just send your donations to Bruce and earmark you check on the memo line that it is for the White Gift Offering.
Leadership Team: As the year draws to a close there is a need to find a replacement for JoAnne Pyle on the Leadership Team. JoAnne’s term is coming to a close and she has decided to take a break from serving on the Leadership Team. So in the future weeks we will be voting on a person to take over JoAnne’s spot. Unless you feel led to be a part of the Team. If you feel a calling just get in touch with Mike Keim.
MCC Connections: MCC Connections Thrift Shop is expanding into the Massillon community. During December and January, we will be in need of short-term volunteers to help prepare the facility by doing minor construction, painting, setting up fixtures and, general cleaning. If you are available to assist in this short term volunteer venture, please call 330-857-7802 and speak with Cindy or Michael.
MC-USA: The Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions is seeking participants from Mennonite Church USA congregations and universities to participate in its cross-country 2021 Climate Ride to raise awareness of critical issues related to climate change. Read more:
MC-USA-#Bring the Peace: Mennonite Church USA Women in Leadership and Mennonite Women USA called on the church to respond to the death of Breonna Taylor, who was killed by police officers in her home in Louisville, Kentucky, on March 13th, 2020. Read the statement here:
MC-USA-Menno Snapshots: “My understanding and experience of the Triune God has broadened and deepened considerably by working with the Voices together team over the last three years,” said AMBS Professor Allan Rudy-Froese in his blog, “Gender and God language in Voices together.” Read his reflections here:
MC-USA: Recordings of the Mennonite Church USA Women in Leadership “What We Need is Here” webinar series and worship service are now available. View the videos here:
ABMS Pastors and Leaders 2021: Thriving Together. Meeting online March 1-14! How can congregations and their leaders thrive in this time of unprecedented disruption? Our speakers—Cynthia L. Hale, James Nelson Gingerich, Marvin Lorenzana and Drew Strait—will offer their best insights into how to lead will in today’s world.
A Christmas gift to you from AMBS! Thinking about seminary? Strengthen your spiritual and biblical grounding and develop practical leadership skills for such a time as this with Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary—whether on campus or at a distance. Submit your Admissions Application in the month of December, and we’ll waive the $50 application fee! This is a great way to explore your next step in this Advent season of hope and anticipation. When you apply select “Pay by check.” Code: hope2020

Dec. 13th 3rd Sunday of Advent
Dec. 16th Harbor of Hope items due: Spaghetti Sauce & Pasta

Dec. 24th Christmas Eve
Dec. 25th Christmas Day
Dec. 29th Homeless Shelter Meal 6:00 p.m.
Dec. 31st Yearly reports due
Dec. 31st New Years Eve
Jan. 1st Happy New Year!
Jan. 3rd Epiphany
Jan. 6th Leadership Team Meeting 7:00p.m.
Jan. 18th Candlelighters 7:00p.m.
Jan. 22nd Senior Breakfast @ Dutch Valley 9:00a.m.
Jan. 27th Harbor of Hope: Canned Veggies & Fruit
Feb. 1st Candlelighters 7:00p.m.
Feb. 3rd Leadership Team Meeing 7:00p.m.
Feb. 14th Happy Valentine’s Day!
Feb. 15th Candlelighters 7:00p.m.
Feb. 17th Ash Wednesday
Fab. 21st 1st Sunday of Lent
Feb. 24th Harbor of Hope: Cereal
Feb. 26th Senior Breakfast @ Dutch Valley 9:00a.m.
Feb. 28th 2nd Sunday of Lent


Pastor: Mike Gehman:
Pastor’s Hours: Wednesday 9:30a.m.-2:30p.m.
Secretary: Tally Maust
Phone: 1-330-852-2822
Website: http//
Address: 113 W. Main St. P.O. Box 250
Sugarcreek, Ohio 44681

Chairperson: Mike Keim:
Office Contact: Linda Yoder:
Trustees Contact: Jim Armstrong:
Mission Contact: Reno Stevanus:
Secretary Contact: JoAnne Pyle:

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29 Feb, 2024
Lent 3: Christ Among Us, Showing Us Justice And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. First Mennonite Church Sugarcreek, Ohio March 3, 2024 Worship: 9:30-10:30 Fellowship Time: 10:30-11:00 Sunday School: 11:00-12:0 We believe in Jesus and take his life, teachings, death and resurrection as the model for how we live and the message we proclaim. *************************************** We seek to be a caring and discerning community, the gathered body of Christ. that welcomes all to join in worship, study, and service. ****************************************** We embody God’s transforming and redeeming Spirit in the world through our prophetic witness and action. THE CHURCH WORSHIPS TOGETHER_____________________ ~Gathering~ Prelude “When the Poor Ones” –from Sing the Journey #69 Welcome & Announcements Focus Statement: God pursues us with words of love. God gave us commandments to follow so we could rest in the giver of life. When the world pulls us in different directions, let’s circle back to the path that directs us toward God. We may stumble and fall, but God is always there to guide us. What does the Lord require of us? To act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. Gathering Litany Right: We are a covenant people, called to God by God. Left: We are a covenant people, called to Jesus by Jesus, losing one life to gain our life. Right: Renamed. Left: Reborn. All: Renewed. We gather ourselves in the community of believers. We gather ourselves unto you. Time of Meditation “Beauty for Brokenness” VT 712 v1-5 Call To Worship: All: May the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to you, O God. Leader: We speak because you spoke first, bringing voice to the brightness of the sun and singing the airy darkness of the sky. You spoke this earth from end to end, and speaking must have given you pleasure, for you said, “It was good.” People: May the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to you, O God. Leader: Year after year you have poured forth speech: passing stories and statutes down through hands and lips. From you we learned to speak, and speaking, we spoke to you—singing songs of consolation that would become your psalms to us; writing poems our children’s children would hear as the voice of God. People: May the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to you, O God. Leader: Your law, O Lord, is perfect. Your Word is the one that endures. We seek the grammar of your justice in the words that you spoke before. Speak here now; speak here once more. All: And may the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing to you, O God. Invocation Hymn of Gathering VT 10 Here in This Place ~Praising & Praying~ Psalm Reading: Psalm 19: 7-11 Old Testament Reading: HWB 807 Exodus 20: 1-17, 22, 24b Hymn of Praise VT 194- Lead On, O Cloud of Presence Prayers of the People ~Hearing God’s Word~ Scripture John 2:13-22 Message “A Necessary Reminder” Time of Introspection (to be read silently) Prayer based on Psalm 19 O Lord, the heavens declare Your glory, and the firmament shows Your handiwork. The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to my heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to my eyes. The decrees of the Lord are firm, and all of them are righteous. By them your servant is warned; in keeping them there is great reward. But who can understand their own errors? Forgive my hidden faults. Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then I will be blameless, innocent of great transgression. May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. Amen. Piano Interlude “If the War Goes On” from Voices Together #794 If the war goes on and the children die of hunger, and the old men weep, for the young men are no more, and the women learn how to dance without a partner, who will keep the score? If the war goes on and the truth is taken hostage, and new terrors lead to the need to euphemize; when the calls for peace are declared unpatriotic, who’ll expose the lies? If the war goes on and the daily bread is terror, and the voiceless poor take the road as refugees; when a nation’s pride destines millions to be homeless, who will heed their pleas? ~Responding~ Prayer of Confession: Leader: We often miss the beauty in your work, God. People: Forgive our distracted hearts. Leader: When we put our trust in other things, People: remind us of your love and care. All: Bring joy to us once again. Leader: May the reverence we give your name pull us out of selfishness that prevents us from seeing the pain of our neighbor. People: Your kingdom come, your will be done. All: Help us to create a world where we will act justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly with You and each other. Leader: May the meditations of our hearts People: be pleasing in your sight, All: our Rock and our Redeemer. AMEN. Hymn of Response VT 42 Could It Be That God Is Singing (the offering will be brought forward) Offering Prayer ~Sending~ Sending Hymn ”My Presence Will Go with You” (printed in bulletin) – Joungmin Kim Statement of Covenant: Left: We are not called to be fearful, Right: we are called to love. Left: We are not called to be perfect, Right: we are called to be faithful. Left: We are not called to be fearless, Right: we are called to be obedient. Left: We are not called to be all-knowing, Right: we are called to believe. Left: We are not called to claim, Right: we are called to give. Left: We are not called to be victorious, Right: we are called to be courageous. Left: We are not called to lord it over others, Right: we are called to serve. Dan: For it is in serving that we shall reign, April: It is through courage that we shall find victory, Bruce: It is in giving all that we shall gain all, Bertie: It is in believing that we shall overcome, Nancy: It is in obedience that we shall overcome, Bill: It is in faithfulness that we shall find perfection, Tabby: It is in loving that we shall dispel fear, ALL: It is in slavery to Christ and his justice that we shall find freedom, now and forever, for ourselves and for the world. Amen. Postlude “How Can We Be Silent” VT 790 v1-3 Sending Words Visuals: Our journey toward God leads us on a path. We may stray from time to time, but God is always with us, gently guiding us back. The symbols on the altar represent our journey. The brown cloth represents our path, and the side-by-side footprints represent those we walk along side. Along with the empty bowl which reminds us of God’s never-ending love for us and how God wants to fill us, the cross reminds us that to follow Jesus, we must take up our cross daily. Today, we add the scrolls, which represent the Ten Commandments and serve as a guide and reminder of God’s great love for us. WORSHIP 9:30-10:30 Minister Mike Gehman Worship Leader: Dan Hostetler Song Leader: April Shupe Organist: Margaret Cheslock Pianist: Suzanne Stauffer Head Usher: Leadership Team THE CHURH GIVES THANKS__________________________ Hannah Gehman: Glad that Kim was able to come this morning. THE CHURCH PRAYS FOR___________________________ Hannah Gehman: For Keutmy’s health and well-being. Mennonite Mission Network: Tomorrow, members of the Central Plains Mennonite Conference will begin a week-long Just Peace Pilgrimage, organized by Mennonite Mission Network. Pray for open minds and hearts as participants focus on the struggle for civil rights in Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi, and how Jesus is calling his fo llowers to respond. FMC LIVES IN DISCIPLESHIP TOGETHER_________________ Next Week’s Text: Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22; John 3:14-21; Ephesians2:1-10 Harbor of Hope for March: Paper Products Mission Project for March: MCC Hygiene Kits THIS WEEK______________________________ March 10 th Fourth Sunday of Lent UPCOMING EVENTS________________________ March 17 th Fifth Sunday of Lent Happy St. Patrick’s Day March 23 rd Pancake Day & Health Screening at Belden Center March 24 th Palm Sunday March 30 th Community Easter Egg Hunt at Garaway Football Stadium NEXT WEEK______________________________ Minister: Mike Gehman Worship Leader: Jean Flinner Head Usher: Leadership Team LAST WEEK___________________________________________ ATTENDANCE: 27 OFFERING: $1050 Change for a Dollar: $15 Garaway Power Packs Offering $50 2024 Lenten Theme: Christ Among Us Lent begins with mourning on Ash Wednesday, when we remember who we are as humans and who God is, reminding us of our brokenness and God’s grace. This is followed by passages recalling Christ’s venture into the wilderness and the 40-day journey that we are on as well. The journey starts with this moment of God speaking to God’s Son, announcing to the world who Jesus is, reminding Jesus of his belovedness, and reminding the people of God of the prophecies and promises of the coming Messiah. This year’s Lenten texts focus on covenants. They point to God’s history of reaching out to continue in relationship with God’s people. Covenants begin with God. God forms an agreement with God’s people. Time and time again, humanity fails to follow these covenants, yet God’s mercy and grace remain. Christ is among us, reminding us of who we are, and even when we fail, reminding us of grace and calling us beloved. Christ remains among us, and that is where we stand united in our Mennonite denomination. So each week, we consider a key theme among these passages: What might Christ be teaching? What is God expecting of us? How does this enable us to live our Christian—and Mennonite—identity more fully, bringing glimpses of the new heaven and new earth into our communities? What is the journey showing us as we answer God’s call? CHURCH LEADERSHIP_____________________________ Pastor: Mike Gehman: 1-330-749-6746 Email: Pastor’s Hours: Wednesday 9:30 am-2:30 pm Church Secretary: Tabatha Murphy Church Phone: 1-330-852-2822 Email: Website: http// Address: 113 W. Main St. P.O. Box 250 Sugarcreek, Ohio 44681 CONGREGATIONAL LEADERSHIP TEAM: Chairperson: Mike Keim Office Contact: Linda Yoder Mission Contact: Reno Stevanus Trustees Contact: Dan Hostetler Secretary Contact: Amy Stauffer-McNutt
23 Feb, 2024
Lent 2: Christ Among Us, Showing Us Faith First Mennonite Church Sugarcreek, Ohio February 25, 2024 Worship: 9:30-10:30 Fellowship Time: 10:30-11:00 Sunday School: 11:00-12:0 We believe in Jesus and take his life, teachings, death and resurrection as the model for how we live and the message we proclaim. *************************************** We seek to be a caring and discerning community, the gathered body of Christ. that welcomes all to join in worship, study, and service. ****************************************** We embody God’s transforming and redeeming Spirit in the world through our prophetic witness and action. THE CHURCH WORSHIPS TOGETHER_____________________ ~Gathering~ Prelude “O Love That Will Not Let Me Go" - arr. Mark Hayes Welcome & Announcements Focus Statement: Take up your cross. We each need to look within ourselves to see where we have allowed hatred and violence to enter in. Gazing at the image of the crucified Jesus will hopefully soften our hearts toward all suffering. When we can grasp God’s unending love for us, we can grow in faith and let go of the things that hinder us. By doing so, we gain compassion for ourselves and all others who suffer. Gathering Litany Left: We are a covenant people, called to God by God. Right: We are a covenant people, called to Jesus by Jesus, losing one life to gain our life. Left: Renamed. Right: Reborn. All: Renewed. We gather ourselves in the community of believers. We gather ourselves unto you. Time of Meditation "God So Loved the World” - John Stainer, arr. Robt. Thygerson Call To Worship: Leader: Come, you who seek God, proclaim God’s glory! People: All you descendants of Jacob and Rachel, Leader: come. People: All who are isolated and feel alone, Leader: come. People: All who are hungry, Leader: come. People: All who wander, Leader: come. People: Come, from all ends of the earth. ALL: Come, you who seek God, proclaim God’s glory and walk in faith. Invocation Hymn of Gathering VT 419 Great Is Thy Faithfulness ~Praising & Praying~ Psalm Reading: Psalm 22: 23-31 Old Testament Reading: Genesis 17: 1-17 Hymn of Praise VT 420 God of the Bible Prayers of the People ~Hearing God’s Word~ Scripture: Mark 8:31-38 Message “Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus” Time of Introspection (to be read silently) Jesus, you have known us from the beginning of time, you have known us in the depths of our dreams and in the darkness of our shame, you know us as your beloved. Help us to own that core identity more and more in this season of repentance and mercy. Give us the rock-solid assurance of your unwavering faith in us as we seek the same in you. Amen. Piano Interlude “Reflection” –arr. Mark Hayes ~Responding~ Prayer of Confession: Leader: Trustworthy God, we want to live with faith, yet we worry there will not be enough. We want to believe in your promises, yet we lose hope. We want to follow you, but sometimes the road is too hard. People: We confess before you our unbelief, our worry, our hopelessness. Leader: Shape us into a people who live in faith. Strengthen us so we can deny ourselves, take up your cross, and follow you. People: In your grace, Lord, give us faith to believe that you will call into existence the things that do not exist. Amen. Hymn of Response VT 590 I Know Not Why God’s Wondrous Offering Prayer ~Sending~ Sending Hymn ”My Presence Will Go with You” (printed in bulletin) – Joungmin Kim Benediction Postlude "The Love of God" - arr. Mark Hayes Sending Words Visuals: Our journey toward God leads us on a path. We may stray from time to time, but God is always with us, gently guiding us back. The symbols on the altar represent our journey. The brown cloth represents our path, and the side-by-side footprints represent those we walk along side. Along with the empty bowl which reminds us of God’s never-ending love for us and how God wants to fill us, the cross reminds us that to follow Jesus, we must take up our cross daily. WORSHIP 9:30-10:30 Minister Mike Gehman Worship Leader: Julia Gerber Song Leader: April Shupe Organist: Margaret Cheslock Pianist: Suzanne Stauffer Head Usher: Mike Keim THE CHURH GIVES THANKS__________________ Jean Flinner: New great-grandson was born in Texas. Bertie Showers: Dan is progressing well after his back surgery. Sue Stauffer: Vi Miller was able to go home. Bob Gerber: Older brother Harold is still in the hospital but is getting better each day. Linda Yoder: Dan, Monk went through surgery well and is healing now. April Shupe: Safe travel for Margaret who went to Michigan last weekend. THE CHURCH PRAYS FOR____________________________ Tabatha Murphy: Pray for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. FMC LIVES IN DISCIPLESHIP TOGETHER_________________ Next Week’s Text: Exodus 20:1-17; Psalm 19; John 2:13-22; I Corinthians 1:18-25 Harbor of Hope for February: Cereal Mission Project for February: Garaway Power Pack Offering The FMC Congregational Annual Meeting will be held today following worship. Look for your 2023 Annual Reports Booklet in your mailbox. THIS WEEK______________________________ March 3 rd Third Sunday of Lent UPCOMING EVENTS________________________ March 10 th Fourth Sunday of Lent March 17 th Fifth Sunday of Lent Happy St. Patrick’s Day March 24 th Palm Sunday NEXT WEEK______________________________ Minister: Mike Gehman Worship Leader: Dan Hostetler Head Usher: Mike Keim LAST WEEK___________________________________________ ATTENDANCE: 26 OFFERING: $1100 Change for a Dollar: $35.33 Garaway Power Packs Offering $200 Vi Yoder Memorial $50 2024 Lenten Theme: Christ Among Us Lent begins with mourning on Ash Wednesday, when we remember who we are as humans and who God is, reminding us of our brokenness and God’s grace. This is followed by passages recalling Christ’s venture into the wilderness and the 40-day journey that we are on as well. The journey starts with this moment of God speaking to God’s Son, announcing to the world who Jesus is, reminding Jesus of his belovedness, and reminding the people of God of the prophecies and promises of the coming Messiah. This year’s Lenten texts focus on covenants. They point to God’s history of reaching out to continue in relationship with God’s people. Covenants begin with God. God forms an agreement with God’s people. Time and time again, humanity fails to follow these covenants, yet God’s mercy and grace remain. Christ is among us, reminding us of who we are, and even when we fail, reminding us of grace and calling us beloved. Christ remains among us, and that is where we stand united in our Mennonite denomination. So each week, we consider a key theme among these passages: What might Christ be teaching? What is God expecting of us? How does this enable us to live our Christian—and Mennonite—identity more fully, bringing glimpses of the new heaven and new earth into our communities? What is the journey showing us as we answer God’s call? CHURCH LEADERSHIP____________________________ Pastor: Mike Gehman: 1-330-749-6746 Email: Pastor’s Hours: Wednesday 9:30 am-2:30 pm Church Secretary: Tabatha Murphy Church Phone: 1-330-852-2822 Email: Website: http// Address: 113 W. Main St. P.O. Box 250 Sugarcreek, Ohio 44681 CONGREGATIONAL LEADERSHIP TEAM: Chairperson: Mike Keim Office Contact: Linda Yoder Mission Contact: Reno Stevanus Trustees Contact: Dan Hostetler Secretary Contact: Amy Stauffer-McNutt
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